The Man and I were out to dinner with a couple of people and he came into the restaurant with a mini-posse, he was on island for a Wine Tasting Gala thing. The restaurant we were at was very small, so it was impossible not to notice him and ask for some pics - and he obliged us.
Jen and I:

Carson jumped down next to the Man and said "Pretend the paparazzi are catching us making out!". Too funny:

His mini-posse, I have a feeling he's dating the tan guy to his left in the yellow shirt:
Talk about a random encounter!
How fun! It's always fun if the celebrity is not so full of him or herself. What a good sport he was.
Can I have your autograph Miss Famous? hehehe
That's awesome! I love that guy! I a strictly non-gay sort of way of course. I've seen him on a few shows other than Queer Eye and he seems like he'd be a riot to hang out with.
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