Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Here goes...

I turn 34 on June 28. Four days from now.

Wasn't I just in college?

Boy, time flies when you're graduating college, finding roomates, changing jobs, moving towns, finding new roomates, meeting boys, staying with boys, moving towns, changing jobs, hating boys, changing jobs aGAIN, finding a new boy, liking new boy, LOVING new boy, moving in with new boy, changing towns, changing jobs one last time, leaving last job, moving to an island, getting new job, marrying boy...

You get the point.


Ami said...

Hi there. I saw your comment at "calling dr. bombay" and I had to come visit. We must be kindred spirits because I did the exact same thing after watching that video.

I completely relate with where you're at (I'll be 33 in January). Looking forward to reading more of your thoughts.

nejyerf said...

you are back!!!

and you should totally talk with smtwngrl (ami). she too is an aspiring author and will give you great moral support!

so do i still call you njaney? or are you going by a new moniker?

i hit 36 this year and so far it hasn't been all that bad. although i'm starting to see more gray hairs. speaking of hair....from what i can tell from this picture, the islands are doing wonders for your hair!!

and i want to send you a birthday card, even if it will be late.

email me your address at nejyerf@hotmail.com