Saturday, August 30, 2008

B4. G48. O75.

There's a reason I'm posting at 6:10 AM on a Saturday's Bingo time! Woo!

Some women from the Man's family, and myself, are all taking a ride down to Foxwoods Casino to try our hand at Bingo. I'm prepared to duke it out with some blue-haired biddies if their cigarette smoke doesn't cloud up my eyes too much.

The last time I played Bingo live (and not on a Facebook application) was probably in camp. Girl Scout or otherwise. I'm trying to think what lucky charm I should bring down with me...

Wish me luck! Enjoy your Saturday :)

Friday, August 29, 2008

What Say You?

We just watched McCain's VP pick Sarah Palin's introductory speech. Based on nothing else but watching her speak I like her - she's a good speaker, she's attractive, she has a big family, she seems strong. Of course I know it goes much farther than that, and I wonder if she's intimidated by the fact that she will now be dissected by the media as we learn who she is.

The Man, a Republican, thinks this VP choice is a HUGE mistake on McCain's part. We're watching the aftermath of the announcement, but no one's really speaking out either way on the choice. Would Romney have been better? Or is it a good idea to have a woman on the ticket?

Obama's convention seemed to be a success on all points of flashy speeches, Clinton-love and celebrity appearances - I wonder how McCain's will be? With his VP pick of a woman McCain's ticket is as history-changing as Obama's is, and the next few months will definitely be fiesty.

What say you on the subject of our next President? Man, woman, black ,white, Republican, Democrat? Are we screwed either way?

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


have nothing to write at the moment.

I will tomorrow.

That's all for now.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Go Wipe your Glory Hole!

We have friends flying in from St. Thomas for some weekend rowdiness - they land around 6ish tonight. It's my old roomate J, from CA, and her boyfriend T, from St. Thomas. J came to visit us last January on the island; she and T fell in love over a span of 7 days. T went to CA in March to see if their 'love' was real, he met her parents and they decided J would move to St. Thomas in May - they've been living together happily ever since. Yeppers, that's a sweet story indeed.

Anyways...I'm getting the house ready, so I'm posting these pictures and the website they came from,, for your amusement. Everyone likes an Asian twist on the English language, right?

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Thank You the stage hand who kindly peeled off the set lists for both Cheap Trick and Journey and gave them to me at the concert last night.

I'd like to think you chose me because of the flirtatious manner in which I batted my eyes, however it was probably because I was sitting front row center and stretching my hand out while hanging over the gate.

We had great seats courtesy of I Love All Acess (.com). If there's a concert swinging through town that you're dying to see it's worth checking this site for the VIP package. It's expensive, but the following is included: Gift bag with band towel, water bottle, maybe a t-shirt / raffle with items signed by the band, more t-shirts / guaranteed seating in first 10 rows / VIP party before the show with free beer and food. We lucked out in that there were only 20 or so of us, so most of us ended up in the front row. We won a cool shirt in the raffle, then lucked out with the set lists plus a drumstick that seemingly floated into my hand as Journey took their final bow.

The show absolutely rocked. Cheap Trick was cool, Heart sounded fantastic and Journey's set was like a big karaoke show with the crowd singing along to every word. Loved. It.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

More Olympic Blabber

As annoying as I find the Olympic beach volleyball I have to say the indoor volleyball has been completely awesome to watch. At this moment I'm watching USA women vs. Italy, and it's a killer game.

As for gymnastics...seriously, will scoring ever not be an issue?

Speaking of the Virgin Islands (were we?), we FINALLY got to see one of our athletes do something. Tabarie Henry ran in one of the heats for the 400 meter...and qualified! Woo! We were cheering his dreads on around the track. It was only by luck we noticed him in the race. I'm not sure where he's placed since.

What have you like/disliked about the Olympics?

In case you're wondering...

...Tropical storm Fay dumped some rain on St. Thomas, before moving on it's way and forming into a larger storm. It's safe to say we dodged a bullet there.

Obviously not the case for Florida...although the storm could have been much worse.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Congratulations to Michael Phelps!

The guy is an insane athlete, and hopefully we'll see him in a few more Olympics. Very exciting stuff he gave us.

Now, a note to NBC: ENOUGH WITH PHELPS!!

Holy fuck, I'm all set. ALL SET!!! A MILLION replays of many times can I watch water fall out of his goggles. Are you kidding me? Stop! We all saw the races, and yes, that includes the close ending of the men's relay - so you can stop replaying it. We've seen his mother's shocked face, so we're good with that. I'm all set with the blonde chick that interviews him everytime he steps out of the pool, do us all a favor and take her out back. She has nothing new to ask him, and it's just pure annoyance. And really, if you show me a picture ONE MORE TIME of how Cavic's hands didn't reach before Phelps I will board a plane, fly to Beijing and strangle all of you - Costas, Collinsworth, Rowdy Gaines...gone. Done.

Please realize we're living in a world where YouTube, Tivo, VCR's, DVR's rule. I can watch and re-watch anything I want to, as many times as I want to, without your help.

Let's let Phelps rest, and maybe, just maybe you might hunt down one of the seven Virgin Island's athletes that are also competing in the games and show me some coverage on them. 'kay? Thanks.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

What is up.

Driving down to CT today for a shower. Staying overnight. Haven't been to CT since my parents retired and moved out to the Cape - excited to go to the old town and drive by the house where I grew up :)

Is it wrong to knock on the door and say, "Hey strangers! I lived here for 20-something years, can I walk around and see how you decorated everything?"

Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

It's all so Aggravating.

- John Edwards...just another shitty guy cheating on his wife - his wife who won't leave him because of her desire to keep the family together for the time she has left, even though myself and a million other women would like to toss a pitchfork through his ass for her. Someone in the news compared this to Clinton's roving eye, but I'm not buying it, Hillary must have known what she was getting into with her playboy - Edwards had us all fooled into thinking he was a Boy Scout...but he's just a P.O.S.

- Beach volleyball. sigh I have nothing against the game, but the music they pump out for 12 seconds in between each point is annoying, as is the surfer-dude announcer. Perhaps only to me, but it's annoying nontheless. I understand what they're trying to do, I just don't like it.

- China's 'women' gymnasts.

- People protesting 'Tropic Thunder'. Please. It's a MOVIE. Where were they when that piece of crap 'The Love Guru' came out? That deserved a protest - I can't believe the studio thought the movie-going public is stupid enough to pay to see an awful movie just because Mike Meyers is involved. Same goes for you, Adam Sandler, and your 'Don't Mess with Zohan' flick. Stinky.

- Lisa Rinna. No particular reason, I just find her completely aggravating in every way.

- Shaving with a new razor and cutting your legs in 14 different place.

Feel free to chime in...I'm done for the moment.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

What's funnier than...

...Olympic Table Tennis*?

Olympic Table Tennis DOUBLES.

The Man and I are amused this morning with their sneaky serves, all the bouncing around like boxers between points, and how crowded it looks with four people around the 'court'. Dude. It's PING PONG. C'mon.

I will tell you what isn't funny about this sport - there's no ballgirl/boy. What's up with that? The ping pong flies off the table and they have to run it down themselves?? Could you imagine that happening at Wimbledon? I thought not.

*note: if you are a member of the Table Tennis organization, and are negatively impacted by my inability to watch this sport without laughing don't bother letting me know. Just pick up your paddle and hit the road.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Ooh. A Photo Post.

Picture time :)

Quick note, the camera on my phone sucks - which irks me because I have a really good phone. Maybe it just sucks for concert shots, which is what I've been using it for lately. Either way here's a quick photo breakdown of our most recent concerts (we LOVE concerts).

A couple of weeks ago we went to see Boston and Styx, this was a last minute buy - the arena is a few towns over. The blurry pic on the right was Boston taking the stage.

Random note from this concert - we observed what must be the MOST annoying tailgate activity ever. This kid, tailgating with a buddy and their dads, was playing his guitar. The annoying part was that they brought his AMP along so that EVERYONE could hear him play what few parts he knew from Boston songs OVER AND OVER. Seriously? I wish we had known, but by the time we were directed to our parking spot by the employees it was too late. We pulled out our chairs, I opened up my four-beer cooler (Bud Light Lime thankyouverymuch), and we sat and glared at the wanna-be rockstar. Lucky for us, just as I was working on a plan to run over and 'trip' over his amp, it started to rain, and he was forced to stop. Yay! The concert rocked, by the way. All concerts rock, who doesn't love live music?

Last week we pulled out our 80's card for a concert in Boston. I got wasted. WASTED. Rookie move. But I remember everything (I started blacking out at the restaurant afterwards during late night eats), and as is my way lately I continued the trend of injuring myself after many drinks and I ended up with a bruise the size of an large grapefruit on my left thigh. I believe it was when I fell off my concert chair while trying to get a better view of Bret Michaels. Oops.

Here's my 24 oz Stella (my fifth/sixth beer, I ended up downing 11. Who do I think I am? Pity my husband that night...), and me in front of the stage. We had AWESOME seats.

First up, Sebastian Bach - who ROCKED OUT! He was awesome, and this is the best pic I could get - him as a stark white ghost on the stage. I tried every setting on the camera - and I was buzzing, what else do you want from me?

Then Dokken, who seemed old and tired, but still rocked their best:

And finally, my boys - POISON!! WOOO!!! It's pretty apparent that my beer intake is ruining my picture-taking ability :)

Let's just say I haven't had a beer since that night - and I don't plan on drinking until next week - when we see Journey/Cheap Trick/Heart. You know what that means - more crappy pictures of blurry performers!! (high five)
How about some more pictures?

We booze cruised last weekend, out of Bahston Hahbah (definition: Boston Harbor). We went to see Hypercane, a kick-ass, hard rock band that plays all around MA. Here's the group waiting to board:

I took a moment to snap some pics of the gloomy day:

We boarded, got some drinks, and took a seat. With this small room and low ceiling I was prepared for an ear-piercing sound.

Hypercane played three sets, and when they began their first the Man and I looked at each other and I was shocked at how LOUD the singer's mike was. Shit. Beyond piercing. My ears numbed it out pretty fast, and they had corrected the sound by the second set, but I'm pretty sure we all came out of there with less hearing than we entered with. Eh, it's all in the name of rock, right?
Here's some shots of the crowd:

Our little crew on the boat between sets (the Man is in the green t-shirt):

More shots from the last this time the crowd (and the band) were buzzing pretty good. The boat took some good rocks back and forth and it was funny watching people try to keep their balance. We squished ourselves right up in front, and I shoved my camera in the singer's face:

Then I joined him on the stage:

...and then it was over. With our ears ringing I snapped a picture of the aftermath:

...and away we went...leaving some lingering fans to party on the boat. It's possible they didn't realize we were docked...?

I'll tell you what, it will be nice to get back to the island - too much partying up here for this chick. I be old ya know :)

Monday, August 11, 2008

Monday Morning

Yep. We concerted on Thursday night, I had WAY too many beers.

We drove to the Cape on Friday to hang with my family, and came back yesterday. Last night we had dinner with some family members.

We've been watching the Olympics in and out as well.

Did anyone see the men's swimming relay last night? Holy shit. That was exciting.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Raise your lighters

We're going to see Poison tonight. I love me some Bret Michaels!

As if that wasn't enough, they're coming with Dokken. Thank you God of the 80's!

Still not interested?

Sebastian Bach, of rockin' Skid Row, will be there too. Youth Gone Wild!!

I thought that would bring a smile to your face.

What's more amazing than the fact that these bands are still touring is that my husband is going with me. I love that he puts up with my Poison lust; in return I deal with his addiction of all things SciFi channel.


Wednesday, August 06, 2008

In the spirit of counting calories...

...this is what I've had so far today:

-Small glass of juice - OJ and Light Cranberry combined (roughly 40 calories)
-Peanut Butter Kashi bar (40 calories)
-Coffee (don't know, doesn't matter, coffee is a must)
-Piece of cheese (about 1" square) (um....80?)
-Can of sugar free/calorie free rootbeer (ZERO BABY!)

I'm now working through a Bud Light Lime (116) waiting for our whole chicken (I'll eat 150) to finish baking (seasoned with herbs only). There's also fresh broccoli (I'll eat 50) steaming on the stove.

At this point I might waste away by the weekend.

I am so Hot!! Oh shit...I'm so not.

Do you think you're good looking? Hot? Slim? In shape?

I think most people have a realistic view of how they present to the world - other than the spandex wonders who continually stuff themselves in clothing three sizes too small.

I have a healthy view of myself - I'm not overweight, but I could stand to tone up. I'm small up top, but I have hips, and a butt. I'm still holding it together at 34, but I'm aware that the women in my family are pretty much all pears. I'm not in the fruitbowl yet though. Basically, to sum it up, I feel good when I walk around.

Or I did. Until yesterday.

I met a friend for lunch, and after we ate we went to Kohl's where the day before I saw some lay-around-the-house shorts on sale for $6.99. Comfy jersey material. Yes, they were in the Juniors section, but whatever, it's 7 bucks! I went over and pulled out two pair, size medium. They had some skirts next to the shorts, same material, same price - just the type of thing you would throw over a bathing suit. I did pull one of those up over my pants, size medium, and it fit, so off I went.

I got home and went upstairs to put away a pile of laundry that been sitting, ignored, in the basket, on the bedroom floor. I dumped out my Kohl's purchases on the bed and took off my pants to try on the shorts. They fit snug, but comfy, and I decided to keep one pair on for the rest of the day. I went about my business putting away the other clothes, and at point I turned around and caught my reflection in the dresser mirror. The window behind me was letting in that late afternoon sun, and it was catching my legs in an unflattering way. As I stood I suddenly saw a vision of myself that didn't really match the one in my rosy mind. I walked to the dresser and grabbed a mirror, then walked back to the foot of the bed, turned my back to the dresser, and held the hand mirror up to grab a view of my rear.

Holy fuck.

I'm a fatass.

The shorts, my new comfy shorts, were sucked to my ass like static hair to a scarf. I'm a thong-girl unless I'm home, and I had switched into some comfy full-butt panties. If I didn't remember switching I was quickly reminded by the stark outline popping through the shorts, and the rest of my ass coming out underneath. The shorts themselves, not yet stretched out (yes, it's an excuse), were barely under my ass cheeks, and sprouting out from the shorts were these thick thighs I suddenly realized were my legs.

Despair hit me like a fully iced snowball.

I put the mirror down, did some squats to loosen up the shorts, yanked them lower on my waist, re-adjusted the full-butt panties, pulled my tank top down, and picked up the mirror again.

No change.

I let the mirror drop to the floor, and turned around. The front was no better than the back, and a cloud of pissy came over my face as I flashed back to my happy self prancing around the Maine beach just a week ago.

"Something has to change," I whispered to myself.

Now I understand what people mean when they describe how it's harder to get the weight off as you age. I let myself mourn my early 20's for about a minute.

I gained 12 pounds from when our plane touched down in St. Thomas last December. I need to get those off before we return.

I'm now counting calories. I'm not happy about it. Think how pissed I'll be in ten years when some doctor tells me to cut the salt out.

At that point it's all over.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

T is for Tuesday

Happy Day!

In the past three days I've:

-seen Boston/Styx perform
-re-watched Titantic
-showered with a bird
-got my hair did
-booze-cruised in Boston harbor
-tried to drink my weight in Bud Light Lime
-congratulated my friend on her new baby boy
-did a load of laundry
-used a new razor and cut my legs shaving
-played tourist and ate at Cheers in Quincy Market

Pictures to follow - more so from the booze cruise, and not-so-much from my shower with the bird.

How was your weekend?

Friday, August 01, 2008

People Magazine Wastes 14 Million

So, today we heard that People is shelling out FOURTEEN MILLION BUCKS for the Brangelina twins.

What a phenomenal waste of money, and what a sad day for our country. It's unreal what that amount of money could do for people in need, yet they're tossing it at a couple because they had twins.

The funny thing is the minute that mag hits the stands the pictures will be copied and pasted all over the internet, by every site imaginable. Like this one. For FREE :)

This rant goes out to all of them...People, US Weekly, OK!, etc. And yes, I used to subscribe to all three but I let the subscriptions run out when I got sick of reading the same bubbly nonsense. I'll stick to my free (and trashy) celeb sites on the 'net! And no, I don't want to hear that I'm part of the problem because I used to continuously check TMZ to see if Britney kicked the bucket, or ran over her mother or dropped her kid in the pool...(and yes, I'm sort of sad that circus ended). If TMZ charged to belong I'd stop going there.

As far as Brangie goes I'll give them credit, whether or not they bargained the price I know they're giving it all to charity, so in the end it's really a win.

But seriously, 14 mill? For two wrinkly newborns who will look like wrinkly newborns*?

*no offense to those with babes, but you know what I mean...right?