Saturday, November 29, 2008

It's that time of year...

...when we're bombarded by those obnoxious "Honey! Run outside and see the Lexus I'm surprising you with this Christmas-it's in the driveway with a ridiculous red bow on it!"

It's right on par with any commercial from Kay Jewelers.

Friday, November 28, 2008

34 years

In 34 years this was the first Thanksgiving that I did not spend with my parents and brother.

In 34 years this is the first time I've worked on the Friday after Thanksgiving.

But I'll tell ya what, I still had a great time getting burnt and buzzed on the beach, joining my husband for a turkey dinner out at one of our favorite restaurants where we spent a couple of hours chatting with the cool foursome who was seated next to us - and I expect the tourists and locals who sit at my tables and munch on burgers today will be in good holiday moods. That's the hope anyways.

Hope you're all enjoying your long weekends!

Thursday, November 27, 2008


I clearly suck at this blogging thing lately. As for NoPloMoFo? Oops!

My excuse? Ain't got one.

But...I do wish my (four, maybe?) faithful readers a Happy Thanksgiving...enjoy the long weekend...your FOOD!

The Man and I have been busy lately with various nonsense, but we are taking our asses to the beach today to hang with a few peeps, and then off for a scrumptious dinner somewhere on this rock we call home.

Enjoy yourselves!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Yep, still doing it

For all interested parties (I believe that number is roughly two of you) I am still doing NaPoBloMe, but clearly I'm not doing a superb job.

However, I will end this month with 30 entries. So I win! Woo!

The last couple of days have been busy; I re-entered the work force on Monday by reclaiming my waitressing job on the island and it felt like the longest day of my life. At one point I looked at my co-worker and said 'What is it, like 3:30?' then I looked at my watch - it was barely 1. ONE! Yikes. I came home, did a few things and passed out on the couch. Pathetic. Yesterday we had some stuff going on at the house, and I never really bonded with my laptop.

So today I am back online.

Please hold your applause until the end of the show.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

How much shorter

can my entries


Saturday, November 15, 2008

Hooters or Bust

Oh, get it? Hooters? Big boobs? And Bust? as in Boob?

We're out tonight, 80's party, Hooters style.


Friday, November 14, 2008

Mmmm. Beer.

Went out for the Pats game last drunk...woke up hungover. Which is pretty much the way Tuesday night/Wednesday morning went (minus the football). I've been on the island for three days and felt hungover for two of those.

Apparently that's the way I roll.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Now you know

I hate Oprah. I prefer Ellen but only watch it if I remember it's on.

I'm a Letterman girl but find Paul as annoying as a fidgety 3 year old.

I absolutely detest judge shows. Too many egos on the bench.

I love the smell of gasoline.

I only follow baseball and pro football. I always watch Wimbledon.

I absolutely can't stand the sound of someone cracking their gum. It's the quickest way to aggravate me.

I never use LOL or LMAO. I am, however, a huge fan of ":)"

I never call people anymore...I email, or text, or now - the ultimate lazy - I write on their Facebook 'Wall'. What's happening to our world?

I'm not a big fan of clothing with designer's logos splashed across. The writing on my clothing is usually of a place or person, such as 'Nantucket, MA' or 'AC/DC' or 'Welker' (#83 on the Pats). I buy clothes that remind me of travels and fun times.

I hate figurines and other such 'dust collectors'. Picture frames are pretty much where I draw the line, anything else will remain in the box in the attic collecting dust.

I love fridge magnets.

I will probably use sleeping pills for the rest of my life. I figure if that's my biggest addiction (after beer of course) then I'm doing okay.

The question isn't will I leave a restaurant with a doggy bag it's how long will it sit in the fridge before it gets eaten/tossed.

I ain't never having kids.

I'm superstious and believe I might change the universe by putting out the wrong I keep them inside and play like I'm sane.

I love lists.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

It's Wednesday

Monday we spent the day buttoning up our condo and getting ready for travel.

Tuesday we were up at 2AM to leave for the airport by 3...and fly by 6. We travel with our birds in the cabin and American doesn't allow that, so no quick direct flights for us. We flew from Boston to Atlanta, got in around 9, nothing to report there. We left Atlanta around 10:30 and were on track to get to St. Thomas by 2:30/3ish. Unfortunately after we'd been in the air for an hour or so one of the flight attendants got on the intercom with this message, "Excuse me everyone, we need to know if there's a Dr. or nurse onboard, one of our passengers is in distress". Roughly 10 people stood up and went to attend to a woman who was having chest pains and irregular breating. They worked on her for around 40 minutes (including a full IV set up hanging off the overhead luggage bin) before the captain came on to tell us that the flight was being diverted to the Bahamas in order for the passenger to receive medical assistance. I spoke to a flight attendant who told me the woman would be fine once she got to a hospital, she just needed better help than what was on the plane. Lucky for her there was a cardiologist onboard.

We sat on the plane for over an hour while they sorted everything out. At one point the attendant came on (she kept cracking us up) with this message, "Ladies and gentlemen, much like we asked for assistance before we need to know something else. Does anyone onboard have access to a credit card, we need to buy gas...". Good stuff.

We got back in the air and the captain informed us we would reach St. Thomas in two hours. Ugh. At that point we'd been working on no sleep (we never went to bed figuring a 2AM rise would be that much more painful), some peanuts/chips and diet coke. We were spent and my two little birds were ALL SET with their carrier, everytime I checked on them they just looked up like is it over? We got in around 5:30, our friend K picked us up and took us back to our place where a group of our buds were waiting with booze and food. Such good friends! We tossed our bags on the floor, got the birds settled in bigger cages and hung out for the night.

And that brings us to today. Wednesday. We woke up, did some organizing then went out to one of our favorite places for lunch. After that we ran some errands and came back home. It's 7pm and I'm starting to feel the effects of the past two days. I be tired.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

For those about to Rock...

...we salute you!

The Man and I are going to AC/DC tonight in Boston. To say we're pumped would be a severe understatement. They haven't toured in five years, and reviews from their first few shows are glowing, with only one negative, they don't play long enough. But really, can any of these relic bands ever play long enough to satisfy those who grew up with them? Uh, no.

We're leaving the house at 3 to do some tailgating, which, in Boston, means hit the bars and get our drink on. That also means I get at least two hours of the 1pm Pats/Bills game before we jet...GO PATS!!!!

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Alright, back on track

Two posts today totally make up for non yesterday, right? Right. That's over with...

So, the Man and I are home tonight, enjoying an entire day of nada. We're heading back to St. T on Tuesday, and the past days have been occupied with getting in last errands, organizing and getting the house buttoned up, making plans with friends family to say "See Ya!"

Get ready for some boredom as I detail my yesterday and why I didn't post for Nabloyomama:

- Woke up WAY early to meet my old co-worker out for breakfast at Ihop, met up at 7:15, enjoyed some tasty pancakes and bid adieu until we see each other again.

-I drove home, fed the birds, and got back into bed to watch a show or two while the Man took off for a hair appt. Five minutes after I laid down I was asleep courtesy of a late Thursday night and a random headache.

- I got up about an hour later feeling groggy, had some more coffee and sorted out some laundry. I went on the computer for about an hour to do some blogging on my other site and a little Facebookin'...but alas, no blogging here.

- I left the house about 2 and drove up to see my friend and her two kids. We hung out for awhile, I totally bonded with her 1yr old daughter and then I left to fight rush hour on the drive back home.

- I raced in the house, re-did my hair, painted on some makeup and the Man and I got back in the car and headed out to meet his family for dinner and talked about their plans to visit us later this year.

- We got back home, I went on the computer for about 10 minutes to check my standings on a photography competition, and then I called it a night.


Oh crap!

I missed a day! I'm a failure of naplomofo.

Aw geez...

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Honk if you love face masks!

I sure do!

My parrots? Not so much. I just walked into their room sporting this look:

...and I don't think it went over too well. Normally I'm greeting by squawks and scurrying movement to their cage doors. With the blue mask it's more like "I'm staying put on my perch and I'm going to stare at you while wondering who/what the fuck has happened to my mom...but you could probably win me over if you brought me some peanuts."

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

That change you're looking for? It be here.

No matter which side you are on it was pretty amazing to watch history take place last night.

To McCain, I congralate him on his effort, realizing this was his last hurrah and he can now settle into a well-earned, slower paced life. This guy is a true American, inside and out, and his stamp on history will be well documented.

And to Obama, congratulations as well on a huge victory. This country voted for change, and now we look to you for direction. As you said in your speech, change may "not happen in one year, or even one term" but please realize, something will have to feel different soon in this 'We Want it Now' world that we live in. Yes, I realize how large the plate of crap is that you will be sitting down to on January 20. No, I don't know how long your grace period is.

To the world who awoke early this morning to find that America is trying to get on the right track...I'm hopeful that you are looking at us with different eyes now that goofy clown from Texas will soon be scooting out of the back door of the White House.

To my mom, who resides as an alien in this country and was pretty much ready to head back to England if McCain got can call me today you know. I'm aware you've yet to phone me, but no worries here, we weren't shocked by the results.

To Sarah Palin, who might not fade back into Alaska as quickly as people seem to think. We knew it was a mistake when McCain picked you, but without you I would have never known my talent for imitating the Alaska accent! Nor would I have known how addictive it is. I wish you luck with your growing family.

To California, are you fucking kidding me?? What is your deal with gay marriage??

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

We voted today

There were no lines at our polls, but we're in suburb-world, and most people here vote on their way to/from work. We went around 1, waltzed in, did our thing and waltzed back out again. I did feel very American, and I felt like I was a part of something big - but I will be SO happy when it's all over. Will I like the outcome? I have a feeling 'no', but at least we won't have to listen to anymore 'this is who you should vote for' crap from the media.

Instead we'll be listening to 'what's this guy really going to do for us' crap.

In 7 days we'll be back in St. Thomas. In case anyone is interested. I know what you're thinking, "That was a hell of a segue there Nicci!"

Monday, November 03, 2008

I write. How well is the question.

I kept a diary when I was young...unfortunately I lost track of it and have no idea where it is, but I only kept it for about a year, and I can only imagine what kiddie nonsense I wrote in it. I'm sure I'm mentioned my annoying little brother.

In 7th grade I wrote an 18 page paper for my English class. I'm sure the assignment called for 5-ish pages, but the story I thought up demanded many more pages. The end of the world was coming and the human race was in danger. To save ourselves we had to get shots that would change us from humans into animals. I turned into a black panther; I forget what my family became. It was quite the tale.

After college I moved to Boston, met a boy, dated him for a couple of years before we broke up. To get over it I bought a journal and started writing in it to get my thoughts out and clear my head. I jotted a handful of entries in there over the next few months before meeting my now-husband, and then the journal starting collecting dust.

And then came Blogging. Oh my! I love blogging! It's fun to write about my boring/exciting daily life while getting to read about other people and their boring/exciting daily lives. I started on Spaces, then switched to Blogger - this is my second 'home' on Blogger. This past year the Man and I started St. Thomas Blog (.com) where I blog pretty much every day about everything 'island'.

I've now added NaBloPoMo which is where you agree to blog every day in the month of November. Sounds good to me!

I've also added NaNoWriMo which is the same idea as the daily blogging except it's all about daily writing with a goal of 50,000 words by November 30. I'm famous for telling people that I'm going to write a book, but I've yet to start. The NaNoWriMo asks that you simply write. No editing, no over-thinking...just pure words on paper (or laptop). At the end of the month you can look back at what you've written and who knows, you just might have something there.

Anything else out there? I work well with deadlines.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

This is my post for November 2nd


We had big fun last night, and went to bed waaay late (or early, however you view 2AM). I haven't had the energy for much more than leaving the couch to wander to the kitchen, which should give you an idea of our exciting day. Of course it's football Sunday- so I'd be on the couch anyways, but with more creative juices.

Right now we're watching the clock tick by slowly as we wait for the Pats/Colts game @ 8:30. The hour we gained is now our enemy - and will continue to be until I decide to change all of our clocks. Two more hours to go until kickoff for a game that I look forward to every year, no matter what the situation with the teams.

Happy Sunday!

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Yep, I'm doing it too

Like many other bloggers I am also a part of November's Blog Every Day thing...otherwise known as Naoplowblonovember-something or other. Whatever it's called I'm in.

Unfortunately I'm starting on a bad note as I intend to post here everyday and actually do the 'write a novel on the side' thing. My mom came down a couple of nights ago and today was our cleaning day - she agreed to help me clean out the big kitchen closet and a couple of cupboards in the kitchen that (until now) I couldn't shut for all of the crap falling out. We spent the morning doing that, and then we stepped out for a couple hours to play tennis with some friends - you just can't pass up a good fall day outside in November, right? We've been back from tennis for just over an hour and we finished up our organizing and tossed about 5 bags of crap into the dumpster. I LOVE purging. Oh baby. Now I'm tidying up the kitchen that has assorted jackets and scarves thrown over the chairs as we have people coming over at 7 to pick us up - we're going out for dinner and to see a KILLER AC/DC cover band called Fat Angus. (They rock, and we're treating it as a dress rehearsal because we have 3rd row FLOOR SEATS for their concert in Boston on November 9. I'M SO EXCITED!!!) So the minute I'm done typing this I have to jump in the shower which means this crappy post is the best I have to offer for my first post of Noploblowmonth- something or other.

Happy Saturday!