Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Happy Hump Day!

My cold? Still present, but I had some chicken noodle soup and mini marshmallows - so I feel like I can now tackle the world (once I stop blowing my nose).

Thoughts for the day: the Man went to NY on a business trip today, I'll be picking him up around 6:30 - but I have enjoyed having the house to myself. It's a rarity.

I'm not sure what we'll be having for dinner tonight. He has some meat defrosted in the fridge, and part of me wanted to whip up something awesome, but it's going to be an hour-ish roundtrip to/fro the train that's not happening. Plus, you know, I'm a walking germ factory.

I brought my laptop up to the bird's room and I'm watching them watch me watch them back. I have the little one frustrated as I put him on the hanging gym and he's unable to get to the floor where I be. Ha :)

I bought some all-natural, made with a gajillion juice-extracts juice today and had a glassful. It's SO good, but it's giving me stomach cramps as pure veggie/juice will do. All in the name of health.

1 comment:

Ami said...

Hope you're feeling better! Get lots of rest this weekend.