Friday, August 29, 2008

What Say You?

We just watched McCain's VP pick Sarah Palin's introductory speech. Based on nothing else but watching her speak I like her - she's a good speaker, she's attractive, she has a big family, she seems strong. Of course I know it goes much farther than that, and I wonder if she's intimidated by the fact that she will now be dissected by the media as we learn who she is.

The Man, a Republican, thinks this VP choice is a HUGE mistake on McCain's part. We're watching the aftermath of the announcement, but no one's really speaking out either way on the choice. Would Romney have been better? Or is it a good idea to have a woman on the ticket?

Obama's convention seemed to be a success on all points of flashy speeches, Clinton-love and celebrity appearances - I wonder how McCain's will be? With his VP pick of a woman McCain's ticket is as history-changing as Obama's is, and the next few months will definitely be fiesty.

What say you on the subject of our next President? Man, woman, black ,white, Republican, Democrat? Are we screwed either way?


Anonymous said...

I am still mulling this over...but I think we may be screwed either way. That's what I am leaning towards right now. I need to know more about this lady would-be VEEP.

Eclipse75048 said...

I was a republican from 95-this last election and I agree that his VP pick is a huge mistake. He went the right way as far as getting a youthful backup, but man, the republican party isn't going to turn out in droves to elect a woman (not that I agree with that mindset).

I am hopeful that Obama will do a good job, as I'm voting for him by default. I can't stomach another term with someone that won't go to bat to 1)get us out of Iraq; 2)intensify efforts in Afghanistan; & 3) quit raping the 4th amendment.

Out of the 3, the most critical is stopping the government from continuing to erode the rights we're assured of under the Constitution. The government is totally fucking us (yes, ironic coming from me) but the regime in power right now is getting away with it because we're all distracted by the war and the economy.