Tuesday, August 05, 2008

T is for Tuesday

Happy Day!

In the past three days I've:

-seen Boston/Styx perform
-re-watched Titantic
-showered with a bird
-got my hair did
-booze-cruised in Boston harbor
-tried to drink my weight in Bud Light Lime
-congratulated my friend on her new baby boy
-did a load of laundry
-used a new razor and cut my legs shaving
-played tourist and ate at Cheers in Quincy Market

Pictures to follow - more so from the booze cruise, and not-so-much from my shower with the bird.

How was your weekend?


Betsy said...

showered with a bird...is there more to that story???

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a busy weekend and fun too (except for cutting your legs with the razor....ouch!).

Pictures are posted over on my blog if you want to cruise by.

Have a great rest of the week!