Thursday, August 14, 2008

It's all so Aggravating.

- John Edwards...just another shitty guy cheating on his wife - his wife who won't leave him because of her desire to keep the family together for the time she has left, even though myself and a million other women would like to toss a pitchfork through his ass for her. Someone in the news compared this to Clinton's roving eye, but I'm not buying it, Hillary must have known what she was getting into with her playboy - Edwards had us all fooled into thinking he was a Boy Scout...but he's just a P.O.S.

- Beach volleyball. sigh I have nothing against the game, but the music they pump out for 12 seconds in between each point is annoying, as is the surfer-dude announcer. Perhaps only to me, but it's annoying nontheless. I understand what they're trying to do, I just don't like it.

- China's 'women' gymnasts.

- People protesting 'Tropic Thunder'. Please. It's a MOVIE. Where were they when that piece of crap 'The Love Guru' came out? That deserved a protest - I can't believe the studio thought the movie-going public is stupid enough to pay to see an awful movie just because Mike Meyers is involved. Same goes for you, Adam Sandler, and your 'Don't Mess with Zohan' flick. Stinky.

- Lisa Rinna. No particular reason, I just find her completely aggravating in every way.

- Shaving with a new razor and cutting your legs in 14 different place.

Feel free to chime in...I'm done for the moment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

- Work

- Coworkers who complain about every tiny thing and want you to construct your world around making them comfortable

- When your husband finds his Christmas present, which you planned ahead for and bought months early and HID, um, three days after you hide it

- When you squeeze workouts into your lunch break, quit eating cookies, and all around kick your own ass to lose 2 pounds, and then your boss loses 7 pounds in the same period just by cutting out a daily soda. I hate men.