Friday, November 28, 2008

34 years

In 34 years this was the first Thanksgiving that I did not spend with my parents and brother.

In 34 years this is the first time I've worked on the Friday after Thanksgiving.

But I'll tell ya what, I still had a great time getting burnt and buzzed on the beach, joining my husband for a turkey dinner out at one of our favorite restaurants where we spent a couple of hours chatting with the cool foursome who was seated next to us - and I expect the tourists and locals who sit at my tables and munch on burgers today will be in good holiday moods. That's the hope anyways.

Hope you're all enjoying your long weekends!

1 comment:

Ami said...

Glad you had a great Thanksgiving! I can't imagine spending Turkey Day on a's always been a cold-weather holiday for me. But I bet it's a blast!