Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Yep, still doing it

For all interested parties (I believe that number is roughly two of you) I am still doing NaPoBloMe, but clearly I'm not doing a superb job.

However, I will end this month with 30 entries. So I win! Woo!

The last couple of days have been busy; I re-entered the work force on Monday by reclaiming my waitressing job on the island and it felt like the longest day of my life. At one point I looked at my co-worker and said 'What is it, like 3:30?' then I looked at my watch - it was barely 1. ONE! Yikes. I came home, did a few things and passed out on the couch. Pathetic. Yesterday we had some stuff going on at the house, and I never really bonded with my laptop.

So today I am back online.

Please hold your applause until the end of the show.


G Love said...

I can remember waitressing jobs, and how hard it is to get back in the groove. My legs would ache for the first week, and time would crawl. But then over time, I gradually adjusted!

Keep up the writing! My blog is my novel, these days . . . I'm impressed with you!

Betsy said...

so what...we're getting 15 1 word entries on Nov 30th to make 30 or what?!? Put down the beer, step away from the beach & entertain us, damn it!!!