Wednesday, November 05, 2008

That change you're looking for? It be here.

No matter which side you are on it was pretty amazing to watch history take place last night.

To McCain, I congralate him on his effort, realizing this was his last hurrah and he can now settle into a well-earned, slower paced life. This guy is a true American, inside and out, and his stamp on history will be well documented.

And to Obama, congratulations as well on a huge victory. This country voted for change, and now we look to you for direction. As you said in your speech, change may "not happen in one year, or even one term" but please realize, something will have to feel different soon in this 'We Want it Now' world that we live in. Yes, I realize how large the plate of crap is that you will be sitting down to on January 20. No, I don't know how long your grace period is.

To the world who awoke early this morning to find that America is trying to get on the right track...I'm hopeful that you are looking at us with different eyes now that goofy clown from Texas will soon be scooting out of the back door of the White House.

To my mom, who resides as an alien in this country and was pretty much ready to head back to England if McCain got can call me today you know. I'm aware you've yet to phone me, but no worries here, we weren't shocked by the results.

To Sarah Palin, who might not fade back into Alaska as quickly as people seem to think. We knew it was a mistake when McCain picked you, but without you I would have never known my talent for imitating the Alaska accent! Nor would I have known how addictive it is. I wish you luck with your growing family.

To California, are you fucking kidding me?? What is your deal with gay marriage??

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