Monday, September 22, 2008

Am I alone in thinking this?

The headline reads:

Blaine risks going blind in stunt

I immediately think, "Cool!"

You can read about his new stunt here, but let me save you the trouble - he plans to hang upside down above Central Park for 60 hours. It's too bad it's not above Boston's park, that way I would totally go throw things at him.

Blaine's advising Dr., Dr. Napolitano, says, "hanging upside down for a long time increases blood pressure in the head, especially in the eyes. That could lead to blindness."

However the article ends with this, Nevertheless, Napolitano says the stunt could yield valuable data for doctors, which makes me think the Doc is as hopeful for some idiotic injury as I am.


nejyerf said...

you are not alone!

this isn't even a fun stunt. it is just plain stupid.

i'm just waiting for the new season of the office and 30 rock!!

Anonymous said...

I never cease to be amazed by the stupid things that people will do in the name of "entertainment." Truthfully, I never cease to be amazed by the stupid things that every day people do (and I am including myself in that).

I hope all is well with you. Thanks for encouraging me about my writer's block or whatever the heck it was. I just couldn't write. However, I finally made an entry!

Hugs to you, girl!

April Ziegler said...

I don't get it. Hanging upside down, laying in a block of ice, holding your breath under water. What the...? Dude, I'm not impressed.

Eclipse75048 said...

I thought I was risking blindness every night of my horny, teenage life.