Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Regarding those Twilight books

I remember years ago when someone said the words Harry Potter. One second we were all living regular lives and then boom! Harry Potter was ruling the world. This 'kids' book was in the hands of my co-workers, my friends, my mother's friends...it was inescapable. I read them all and loved them all. Great series.

A few weeks ago we were at the Man's brother's house for our nephew's birthday and sis-in-law #1 is returning borrowed books to sis-in-law #2. #2 asks me if I've read them, and tells me they're the Twilight books.

"Oh," I say, "I heard of those. They're some new big series of books on Vampires right?"

"Yep, these are the first four of the series if you want to borrow them?"

"Okay," I say, sort of wanting to get into a new series. I do love to read, it just takes a lot for me to pick up a book for some reason.

I cracked the first one open last week and finished it on Sunday. It was...okay. Decent story, fast read - but after the deeply layered plots and characters of Harry Potter this series had a lot to live up to - as far as I'm concerned. I'm a few pages into the second and not sure if I want to continue - but let's be honest, they're all sitting on the end table next to the couch and I'll probably end up reading all of them.

I have to say this, the relationship between the two main characters just reeks of all things I wouldn't want my teens to be involved in - mainly this whole 'can't live without you' and 'I only hang out with you and all of my other friends can just suck it 'cuz they obviously, like, don't understand this undying love we share'. Yikes.

However, I do send kudos to the author, Stephenie, for writing these, finding a publisher and getting a movie deal - that's awesome! So congratulations. With the gajillion amount of books in the world aspiring authors can only dream they'll hit the heights that she is. Rock on girl.

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