Sunday, September 14, 2008

Filed Under 'Things I Didn't Know My Husband Could Do'

We ran some errands this past Friday. On our list: go to sign shop and check on digital prints that we're having blown up (they look great), grab a quick lunch (sushi for me, seafood medley for him), go to doctor to have stitches removed from the Man's wrist (looks okay but he still feels something wrong with it), stop at camera store and see if they have any photography classes I can sign up for (they do, but not for a month or so, and we'll be gone), stop at CVS for Vitamin E oil to help remove his scar (per suggestion from pharmacist I bought the capsules to break open and use instead of straight oil)...

...and lastly, stop at eye doctor so I can pick up pair of contacts.

Everything before 'eye doctor' is sort of clustered in the same area. As we left CVS the plan was to hit up the eye doctor last. We would pass our house on the way though, and the Man had to pee, so I pulled in and took the door key off my keychain while keeping the car running. The Man went in the house and I went to the eye doctor. When I came back home I dropped my keys on the table and bounced onto the computer for a little bit before we left the house to go to our nephew's birthday dinner.

Anyone notice what I didn't do? That would be 're-attach the house key to my keychain'. As we left the house the Man said, "Do you have the keys?" "Yep!" I answered and he turned the thingy on the door handle and shut the now-locked door. "Oh," I said, "the house key is still inside." "Fuck." he said.

We called his mom on the way to our nephew's and she said she had a key. Cool. After the little party we stopped at his mom's house (five minutes from ours) and went back home. We tried every key on the freakin' ring, and couldn't open the door. Awesome. It was raining, and a little chilly. The perfect scenario to be locked out.

The Man called his mom again and she said she had given us the wrong keys. His sister would run over the right ones. He hung up, pulled out a credit card and started playing with the lock. Don't you know he opened the door? With a credit card?!

Lucky for us the deadbolt was not engaged (I would need the key to do that...)

Needless to say we called his mom and told her not to bother, we broke in. With a credit card. I've never actually seen that done, and would have doubted that it actually worked.

Apparently I've married a criminal.

If that's not a PSA for deadbolt locks then I don't know what is.


Betsy said...

I coulda used your hubby last weekend when I locked myself out after the bar and my friends brother had to break the screen on my kitchen window so I could crawl through. Or the next day when I forgot I had lost my key and locked my door again out of habit. Does he also hotwire cars...cause I lost my car keys that night too!

Anonymous said...

Well if that isn't impressive, I don't know what is!! We have a key pad so we don't get locked out, which considering my considerable "blonde" moments, is probably a good thing!

nejyerf said...

he truly is the MAN!!

one time i got locked out of my parents house and i had to shimmy through the coal chute. that was in my skinnier days!!