Thursday, September 25, 2008

How did people live before DVR & Tivo?


We have two DVR's, one in the living room and one in the bedroom. It's burning up every night with favorite old shows, shows that pass the time and new shows that will get a chance. Here's how it breaks down at our place:

Shows we can't miss:

- Amazing Race (LOVE this show)
- Survivor (watched every freakin season)
- Criminal Minds (love the psycho-ness of the cases)
- Grey's Anatomy (sometimes weak, but still a must-watch)
- CBS Monday night lineup: Two and a Half Men/Big Bang/How I Met your Mother...etc. (funny funny)
- Lipstick Jungle (more me than the Man...nice juicy show)
- CSI Vegas (my favorite cast of the CSI's)
- New Adventures of Old Christine (hysterical)
- Medium (cool...and I like the cast)
- Prison Break (the brother without the brains is yummmy)
- Heroes (the Man's show...I never got attached)
- Desperate Housewives
- Damages (if it ever returns...)
- 24 (coming in January)
- American Idol (yes, we're addicted, it's back in January)
- Lost (reluctantly...)
- Smallville (totally the Man. Seriously, why can't he fly yet???)

Shows that pass the time:

- CSI NY and Miami (I'm tiring of these two...)
- Law & Order
- Private Practice (I'm SO not a Kate Walsh fan...but I like the show)
- House (I can take it or leave it...too many characters in this show, and they're getting weird with the Wilson thing...just get back to the medical stuff okay?)
- Boston Legal (predictable, but good)
- NCIS (the Man watches it more than me)
- Dirty Sexy Money (cool show)
- Pushing Daisies (more the Man than me...but I'll watch it if it's on)
- The Ghost Whisperer (the Man's got a thing for Miss Jenny Love Hewitt)
- Numbers
- America's Next Top Model
- The Bachelor (such fun nonsense)
- 'Til Death

New shows:

- Worst Week (cracked me far so good)
- Kath & Kim (I'm looking forward to it, premieres in Oct)
- The Mentalist (like most cop shows with a boring twist, will end up in my Pass The Time category)
- Fringe (so far so good)
- Knight Rider (holy crap, the pilot episode was so bad we killed it halfway through and immediately took it off the DVR list)
- The Ex List (starts in Oct)
- Do Not Disturb (this show SUCKED! it's off the list)
- Gary Unmarried (first show was it remains on the list. plus it's a half-hour comedy which translates to about 18 minutes on DVR, who doesn't have time for that?)

Wow. Could we possibly watch more TV? Yikes. Check out this site...has the lineup day by day. Which reminds me...I also like 20/20 and Dateline - depending on the stories.

I'm sure there are shows you love that we aren't watching. I have to be honest, we just never clicked with 30 Rock. I know The Office is hysterical, but somewhere along the line it got lost in the DVR lineup. When it hits syndication and the rerun world I'll catch up with it again. I took Dancing with the Stars off of the list as I hate the celebs they have this season. Ugly Betty is one of my favorite shows but A) I fell behind and B) I HATE Lindsay Lohan...but I do plan to Netflix-in the seasons to watch it that way.

Plus, let's be honest, there's only so much we can fit on the DVR's. Watching TV in real time is so five years ago...


Eclipse75048 said...

Christ--your Tivos are working just as hard as mine. I plan on putting up a list of my shows soon, but it looks a lot like yours!

And no, I'm not that bad of a parent yet where I'd let my 7 year old read the Twilight series yet. I may pick them up for me after all the hype wears off, but I'm not sure I can do another vampire series.

nejyerf said...

get out!!

how do you ever get anything done?

if we had tivo i would never leave the couch.

especially if i started recording ANTM marathons.