Friday, September 05, 2008


We have our first quiet weekend approaching in almost two months. To add to the happiness storm Hanna is supposed to dump some rain on us tomorrow.

Yes, I know, people hate when it rains on the weekend, especially one of the last ones of the summer...but I love nesting inside when it's pouring. I think it's cozy. Piss and moan at me if you will.



Anonymous said...

I am one of those people also. I love curling up with a good book, or watching a movie, or just spending time with my honey and the doggies.

Have a great weekend, my friend!

Ami said...

Oh, I love the excuse to stay inside and curl up with a book or watch a good movie. Sometimes a good rainstorm on the weekend is exactly what I need after a stressful week. Hopefully you won't get too much, but it will be enough to keep you indoors. Enjoy!