Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Maine means Lobstah!

I snapped that critter just before the Man devoured it.

We spent the weekend in Old Orchard Beach, a little north of Kennebunk Port, ME. This is where our buds spend their summers, and it's a perfect, quaint, fun little beach town. My new favorite place. We got there on Friday and came back home Monday morning. Here's the recap, in 'B' form...

Beach: Hell yes we beached it! Our three buds all lifeguard. We were on the beach all three days although Fri and Sat had the best weather. This is a shot of the beach on Sunday, kind of foggy out:

We got there Friday, tossed our stuff in our room (we stayed with one of them), changed into our suits and hit the beach. There's a ton of places to eat but we chose the one right on the beach and had some lunch - after which we sat in our chairs on the sand and people-watched. Here's a shot from my chair of the lifeguard booth and random beach-goers:

The water was a cool 68 degrees, the only day I went in was Sat. The other two days we hung on the beach with our buds (two of them had the weekend off) and random people...drinking and chatting, grabbing lunch...generally hanging out. Here's a shot of the amusement park right next to the beach (we didn't go there, the Man doesn't like rides...but the did look a little rickety):

Definitely relaxing and fun. Drinking on the beach on a gorgeous day with good friends is definitely one of my top three favorite things to do in life. Period.

Beers: Yum. I love beer. And I drank plenty of it over the weekend. There's no drinking allowed on the beach, so everyone hides their booze in plastic cups and BURIES their coolers. Can you stand how funny that is? They dig big 'ol holes, dump the cooler in it and cover the lid with a towel. It cracked me up for some reason. The Man is not a beer drinker, he enjoyed his favorite Crown Royal and Diet all weekend. We were hurting by Monday.

Baseball: The Sox let us down on Fri and Sat but they won their game on Sunday...the only game we watched.

Bars: We hit the bars each night. Friday night they all converge at Mr. Goodbar for music and dollar beers. Hello! Of course it was Pabst Blue Ribbon so I passed and drank a different kind. There's a reason it's only a buck :) Friday night we hit up a total four places, but I only remember three. Old Orchard has a huge pier just full of places to get your buzz on. Here's a shot from the beach of the pier - I'm told the white building at the end is where we ended up Friday night.

Here's a shot from inside the pier:

The Man and I stumbled home (short walk) after 1am. Sat night we hung out on the pier at Hurricanes where one of our friends was bartending. We stayed with him all night and stumbled home again after 1am - proving that we could hang with the young'uns. Sunday night we took it a little easier and skipped a little bit out of town to a pizza joint where four of us sat at the bar, ate, drank and watched the Sox. Our other bud had to bartend. We had plans to go see him but by 11:30 we were all wiped from the past two nights so we went home and hit the sack.

By Saturday afternoon the Man and I agreed that we will make several trips up to Old Orchard next summer. It's pure party-town up there...definitely a young crowd having a ton of fun with more than a little bed-hopping going on. The beach is beautiful, the restaurants are good, the stores are those fun little souvenir stores that I could get lost in for an afternoon. An A+ weekend for sure!

I'll leave you with a shot from under the pier:

Thank you Old Orchard, see you next year!~!~!


Anonymous said...

Oh man!! It sounds like that was a FUN weekend! Nothing like a good lobstah in my book. We don't get them as fresh here, but they are still tasty.

I am going to have BFF take a few shots of my new red "do." I will try to post them ASAP when I get back from her house!!



Ami said...

Glad you had fun! I have to say that you're my hero. If I had drank (drunk?) like that for an entire weekend I would have needed a week off to recover.

Anonymous said...

Well written article.