Sunday, July 06, 2008


Copying this from BJB's site. What else is there to do on a Sunday night at 7:06pm whilst waiting for the Sox/Yankees game to begin?


What were you doing ten years ago?

1. Living in Cambridge, MA, moved there the previous Nov. with my then-roomie K (from Pittsburgh)

2. Working as a temp in some office on Tremont St., also some part-time at Dress Barn

3. Living through the emotional end of my long-distance relationship with this guy I dated in Pittsburgh who had moved to Atlanta the same time I moved to Boston

4. Turning 24. Holy shit. I knew NOTHING then!

5. Finding my way through Boston as someone with a random job and her roomate as her only real friend

6. Wondering what would happen when I finally realized then-roomie was not loving Boston and was planning to leave that summer (don't worry, it all worked out)

What are 6 things on my to-do list for today? Today's gone, so for tomorrow I plan:

1. Laundry

2. Workout

3. Tidy the house

4. Check my bills

5. Blog

6. Get the guest room ready (mom's coming Tues afternoon)

Snacks I enjoy?

1. Chips (that includes pretty much everything in the chip know, Cheetos, Pringles, Doritos, Tostitos (the lime flavored ones), Andy Capps (SO GOOD)

2. Cream cheese on triscuits (it's wicked good)

3. Pepperoni & cheese on crackers

4. More chips

5. Bubblegum jellybeans (rarely, no sweet tooth)

6. Dip (to go with the chips previously mentioned)

Things I would do if I were a billionaire?

1. Donate to charity (karma, dude)

2. Invest in real estate around the world

3. Go from port to port in my fancy yacht and shop up a storm. In the same category I would have the following people employed on the yacht - massage therapist, manicurist, hair/make-up doer.

4. Take care of college costs for all my bud's kids

5. Set my family up....houses, cars etc.

6. Buy some massive pimped-out winnebago, road-warrior, tour-bus thing and follow the Red Sox for one season. I've mentioned this to the Man before, during our 'When we win the Lottery' convos, and while he's not entirely on board I think it would be a killer time. So much America to be seen during all of those road games! In the same category we would, of course, immediately have box seats to all Patriot games, home and away. Limos included.

Places I have lived?

Grew up in CT. Went to school in Pittsburgh, PA. Moved to MA and in the span of 10 years lived in Cambridge, Somerville, Boston (North End), Woburn and the South Shore. St. Thomas is now home, as we're there 8-9 months out of the year.

How did you name your blog?

Um, I just turned 34. And I have thoughts. No big mystery there.

Who am I tagging?

Anyone within arm's reach.


It's now 7:32. Once I finish my 'rita I'm on kitchen duty, and then it's baseball time.


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