Saturday, July 19, 2008


On insomnia: I'm happy to say I've had 2 rested nights in a row - and that's not to say I have a chronic problem - but for the past two nights I've turned the computer off by 8, and I think it's helped a little. I aim to have the 'puter off by 7pm, and put down a glass a wine soon after - which I think will also help with the sleeping - if, and only if, I don't follow that one glass with two is easy to do.

On movies: We've seen Hancock, Wanted and The Hulk so far this summer - all the movies were entertaining, but top honors goes to the Hulk, followed by Wanted. Hulk was pure adrenaline - the effects were killer. I wasn't sure if I would love Wanted, but I did, it was cool and original - and yes, some effects were hard to swallow, but the movie was still way cool. Hancock...let's see, who doesn't love Will Smith right? The first half was fun, the second half had a different feel - and they kind of lost their rythm, but as a whole it was entertaining. Tonight we see the Dark Knight - and I'm really looking forward to it.

On working out: We bought some Billy Blank Tae Bo DVD's. I like working out to a tape as the music is usually pretty cool, and it's motivating to follow along. These tapes seem pretty killer, so if you're looking for a cool new way to work out (in under an hour) I say give these a go. We found them at Target for $29, you get 5 dvds and a weighted bar.

On cheese: I love it, and eat way too much of it. In the fridge right now is a bar of extra sharp cheddar, some lovely soft goat cheese, and two kinds of small round nibble-cheeses. It's healthy, right? All the calcium? Just nod your head.

We have a movie time of 6pm tonight, which means we're leaving the house at 5, which means I aim to be in the shower around 4-4:15, which means I have to finish working out right before then, which means I need to get going on the dishes and other random stuff I have set aside for today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ujsutSo...what's the verdict on Dark Knight?? Is it worth going to see? The hype has been totally incredible.

I eat way too much cheese too. It's a genetic thing. My whole family is that way. :)

Hope you had a great weekend!