Monday, July 14, 2008

That's just good TV

We watched the Miss Universe pageant last night, and watched Miss USA fall on her ass, again, for the second year in a row. Conspiracy? Nah. Slippy shoes, and a too-long dress. She was composed though, and you have to laugh. She was gorgeous too, I wonder if she lost her shot at top 5 because of the fall?

On another note I learned that the Man has a knack for guessing the judge's ratings, during the bathing suit bit he guessed correctly who would receive 8's and who wasn't worth an 8. I, at 5' 3", sat there and marveled at the legs on these chicks. And decided to start working out more consistently.

Miss Venezuela won, by the by, after completely confusing us with her answer in the Q&A part.

Her question: What's the difference between men and women? (I don't know if that was the exact wording, but that's a stacked question if I ever heard one)

Her answer: "Men think that the fastest way to go to a point is to go straight. Women know that the faster way to go to a point is to go to the curves."

Um, what? The fuck?? Does that mean???

On a third note - I'm drinking strawberry Fruit 2O, and it tastes just like Dimetapp. Ick.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go to the curves. That is deep.

Go to the curves, baby. Go to the curves.