Wednesday, July 02, 2008


My husband (you remember him as the Man) had surgery this morning, for umbilical hernia. He felt something was bothering him in his stomach earlier this year; as he put it 'something's IN there...'. I watched him poke his belly in an inquiring manner for a month or two with his brow all furrowed up as he tried to figure out what it could be. We scoured the internet to see what it could be, he made some calls to his Dr., and we figured out it had to be a hernia. A visit to the doc in St. Thomas confirmed it. That was March.

Now, we love St. Thomas and all, but for a surgical procedure? Not so much. Nothing against their fine staff of medical professionals, but we've always said if we needed to go under the knife it would be on the mainland. We were headed back to Boston in June for a few months, so he scheduled the surgery for then. Which meant for the time between March and today he had to be careful not to irritate it - no heavy lifting, no working out...etc. No big deal there *grin*

Just kidding dear!

Actually, it was amusing...we would go grocery shopping at the price club and come out rolling a carriage FULL of bulk items - cases of beer, a crate of frozen meats, bottles of booze, all the important stuff. He would stand with the carriage while I muscled everything into the truck as people walked by no doubt thinking 'what an ass!' as they watched him do nothing. It didn't bother me, I look at errands like that as calorie-burning, otherwise they would be much more annoying.

The surgery went smoothly, and we're now home hanging out in bed as he tries not to do anything to affect his stomach (which is affected by pretty much every movement a person makes). I'll tell you though, I was nervous with the surgery...not so much the procedure, but the drugs to make you go under (I can't spell anesthesi...whatever). I kept imagining too much of the drugs in his system and some nurse running up to tell me that my husband wasn't coming out of it and now he's comatose. Paranoid? Maybe. Could I have written this yesterday therefore potentially jinxing the whole operation and in my mind actually bringing on a medical error? HELL no.

In fact, one of the pre-op nurses, as she left him for the last time this morning, said 'The Dr. should be over soon, see you on the other side!' and I held my breath thinking for sure she had disrupted the Gods and now something would go wrong.

I really need to stop being so manic.

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